Final Fridays at Cider Gallery - funny

A Guide to Summer Birding in Lawrence, Kansas

Cover Photo Credit: Red-Winged Blackbird by Catherine Mullhaupt/Audubon Photography Awards Summer means baby birds. Our permanent and summer residents have built nests literally everywhere—eaves, crooks of trees, shrubs and thickets, hollows, the open ends of pipes, and even on the ground—with the…

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A Guide to Spring Birding in Lawrence, Kansas

Cover Photo Credit: Northern Shoveler by Ed MacKerrow/Audubon Photography Awards Though we hardly had a winter, spring is coming nonetheless. I’ve already had my first case of poison ivy from wearing short sleeves on an 80-degree late February day. And the birds are rushing to catch up. Male…

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Kickstart the Holiday Season in Lawrence, Kansas

I love humans. As we enter the darkest time of the year, our natural inclination is to spread as much light and cheer as possible. A time which can easily dampen spirits becomes a celebration of family, friends, and adorning the ordinary. It's a time for good food and good company and for taking the…

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The Spookiest Things to do in Lawrence This Fall

The sun is a little cooler in the sky, red and orange leaves are starting to appear underfoot along the sidewalks, and the month across the top of the calendar ends in "-ber," which can only mean one thing: It’s that special time of year when all things witchy, eerie, and spectacularly supernatural…

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