Downtown Lawrence Kansas

December's Best Bets for Live Music in Lawrence

Hot dog! It’s the holiday season! That gives us a double dose of festivities for the month, with some musical acts centering on seasonal favorites, while others are throwing down hard for New Year’s Eve. You’ll enjoy anything from a raging metal show to a showcase of our brightest hip-hop stars this…

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Best Bets for Live Music in April

Phew! The spring season just hit like a ton of bricks, didn’t it? Well, lucky for those of us who live for live events, there’s no slowing down in April. There’s something for fans of disco, metal, piano rock, hip-hop, dance music, and (of course) bluegrass. The dandiest month of the year seems to…

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December's Best Bets for Live Music in Lawrence, Kansas

Let’s end the year with a bang, shall we? It’s time to big adieu to the aging 2021, tremendously falling out of style, and turn to the season’s hottest accessory: 2022. You did it. You’ve survived the year (for the most part). It’s time to don we now our gay apparel and party . Here are, in our…

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Bring on the gnar! Rocktober is finally here!

October is notoriously referred to as “Rocktober” for a reason. It’s when all the stars (or rather, tours) align and everyone comes through Kansas. It’s also a time to get spooky—and as a result, some of the better shows get booked closer to Halloween. Rocktober also marks a special occasion in…

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July Best Bests for Live Music

There are a lot of big things happening in July! For one, indoor nighttime rock shows are back. Second, The Bottleneck is finally easing back into the live music landscape (we missed you, Bottleneck!). There are a few surprises in store for music-goers, and a heavy holiday weekend outlook. So…

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No sour notes: Lawrence creates COVID-safe live music events

Venues were the first to close and will be the last to open as the country wades through the muddy waters of this deadly pandemic. For the moment, there isn’t any music downtown. Even the buskers have bunkered down until it’s safe to venture out. As we get a firmer grasp over the extent of COVID’s…

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